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100 Queen Street

‘Location location location’ is the informal mantra of the property world, and as locations go, 100 Queen Street is tough to beat. Situated in the heart of Glasgow city centre, opposite the Gallery of Modern Art and minutes from the ‘style mile’, this Grade A office suite is newly completed with stunning penthouse floors.

100 Queen Street featuring European Oak flooring in Natural | Form Design Consultants
European Oak flooring in Natural | Form Design Consultants
European Oak flooring in Natural | Form Design Consultants
European Oak flooring in Natural | Form Design Consultants

Meeting spaces

The seventh floor is home to international spirits company Edrington, which has created a striking new front of house space featuring training bar, sampling room and a range of formal and informal meeting spaces. 

Wide planks

Form Design Consultants envisaged a style that is sleek and modern whilst retaining Glasgow’s tougher industrial edge, and Edrington’s distilleries and bottling plants. Glass, steel and polished concrete create sharp distinctive lines, whilst the overall look is softened by the use of Russwood European Oak flooring. Selected prefinished in Natural tone, with wide planks of 190mm, the timber adds warmth and texture to the space.

European Oak flooring in Natural | Form Design Consultants
European Oak flooring in Natural | Form Design Consultants

The product provided a stable and effective wood flooring solution, with the correct level of texture and definition. Russwood provided a first class service – good samples, helpful advice and well-priced.

Form Design Consultants

Products Used

European Oak Flooring

With a wide range of colours and finishes designed to unify and enhance any living space.
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